Repair And Protect Your Pipe Like Never Before

Arnco’s Heat-less Welding Solutions level the playing field between workstring tubing and drill pipe when it comes to protection and repair.

Thought you couldn’t repair your pipe?

Arnco has revolutionized the industry with our Heat-less Welding Solutions (HWS). Our HWS service will save you time and money by repairing and protecting your worn-out pipe, rather than replacing it, at much less than the cost of a new joint!

diverse suite of services:

Workstring Tubing Connection Refurbishment

Rebuild and extend workstring tubing upsets to return the OD to nominal and get more recuts

Tube Body Wear Pads

Apply hardbanding to the middle of the tube bodies to prevent wear in their most vulnerable locations

Slip Cut Repair

Remove rejectable slip cuts and repair them by replacing the base material with a similar buildup weld material

Tool Joint Rebuilding

Increase the OD of worn tool joints by ½ inch to bring them back to minimum or nominal with machine-finished surface

Hardbanding of Non-Magnetic Drill Collars

Apply hardbanding to NMDCs without worrying about cracking in the Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) and reducing the risk of stress-corrosion cracking due to the welding

Tool Joint Rebuilding

Increase the OD of worn tool joints by ½ inch to bring them back to minimum or nominal with machine-finished surface

Hardfacing of Mud Motors

Apply hardfacing to mud motor bent housings without the fear of distortion or cracking

Hardbanding over Internal Plastic Coating

Apply hardbanding on tool joints with Internal Plastic Coating (IPC) without fear of burning or otherwise damaging the IPC

Hardbanding in Cold Weather

Apply hardbanding on tool joints in freezing temperatures without preheat or slow-cooling, without fear of cracking or spalling

Workstring Tubing Connection Refurbishment 

For more information about workstring tubing connection refurbishment, download our Case Study.

Tube Body Wear Pads

For more information about drill pipe wear pads, download our Case Study. 

Patent pending Solutions process

Our patent pending Heat-Less Welding Solutions process uses low heat input welding, while still achieving total fusion, so we can weld much more on much thinner material than ever before. This allows us to weld hardbanding on thin material, like drill pipe or tubing tube bodies as well as weld buildup material to extend and rebuild workstring tubing connections. Unlike conventional welding, our process does not embrittle or soften the base material, nor is there any cracking. Even in the coldest climates, the perfect weld can be achieved.

Reliable Testing

Our rigorous testing has proven our Heat-Less Welding Solutions’ reliability, leaving the base material unchanged even after welding tube bodies and tubing connections with no preheat or slow-cooling.  More recent case studies have confirmed the lab testing results, with no cracking and no issues with the pipe bodies or connections whatsoever. So save yourself time, money, and headache. Save the Pipe!


Revolutionizing Welding As You Know It

Since pioneering casing-friendly hardband alloys nearly 25 years ago, Arnco has been in the business of protecting pipe. Our portfolio offers proven solutions to cover the spectrum of wear protection needs. Now Arnco’s Heat-less Welding Solutions is the first ever safe, low-heat welding process that keeps your pipe in the field longer and passes the savings onto you.


Increase Tubulars' Lifespan

Return damaged tubulars to like-new with successful repairs that save money or protect them so they never need to be repaired in the first place

Protect Tubes

Hardband the tube bodies of drill pipe and tubing, to give them the protection the tool joints already have

Reduce Downtime

Eliminate bottlenecks without the need to pre-heat or slow-cool

Reduce Risk

Work safely with a computer-controlled welding system, with less room for human error

Embrace the Future

Use the same advanced welding technology in the oilfield that SpaceX uses to build rockets

Key features:

No Pre-Heating
No Slow-Cooling

Inspectable With Standard Methods

Protect and Repair
Workstring Tubing & Drill Pipe

Maintain The Same Material Properties As Brand New Connections & Tubes

Contact us

Usage Calculator

Use the calculator below to determine how much hardbanding alloy you will need for your specific job:

Pounds per Tool Joint


Total Pounds for Order Placement


you may also be interested in:

The 150XT was developed to be a crack-free, competitively priced hardbanding product with extremely low casing wear and high wear resistance for tool-joint protection.
Arnco’s 350XT is a metal cored wire that produces a hardness over 60 HRc, high wear-resistance, casing-friendliness, and a NON-CRACKING deposit.